Attack #16

Note: Due to the recent arrest, these pages are undergoing extensive updates. We plan to bring them back online soon. Please be patient!

This attack occurred on Richdale, in Orangevale. This was the first time the EAR had struck here. At first it seems little out of the way, but after awhile it becomes apparent that the nearby bike trail could've offered him an easy way to stalk victims and appear/disappear quickly.

Looking up Richdale on Dredger. The attack happened on this street.

On Richdale, a closer view.

A strange event happened at this intersection, and it may or may not be EAR-related.

A woman was stopped here. She intended to turn onto Madison Ave. A bicyclist wearing a ski mask rides up quickly behind her, and stopped very close, virtually against her bumper.

She turned onto Madison, and the masked rider still kept close. She picked up speed a little, and he kept pace. Finally, she sped up so much that he couldn't keep up, and he turned off.

The Jedediah Smith Memorial trail is very close to these attacks. Even today, this area is very underdeveloped. This is the entrance off Main.

Heading away from the neighborhood where the attack occurred.

The bike trail from a distance.

Heading back toward the attack neighborhood.

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