Attack #14

Note: Due to the recent arrest, these pages are undergoing extensive updates. We plan to bring them back online soon. Please be patient!

This assault by the East Area Rapist happened on Thornwood Dr. This corner here at Northwood Rd. also comes into play as well though, because it's at this corner that the EAR likely observed his victims in the days prior to attacking.


This is the tree, or at least the location of where the tree WAS, where the EAR probably hid and watched his future victims. It's also just a few feet away from where a cloth bag was found in February that contained some EAR-style assault tools.

Woodcrest is where EAR seemed to park his vehicle before prowling the neighborhood.

This area very close to the victim's house might be a place where EAR entered and exited this area.

A closer view, beyond the gate.

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